Foundation for Emerging Technologies and Arts announces a call for works
American Classical Guitar Miniatures:
Acoustic, Electroacoustic and Electronic Music
Jorge Gomez Abrante, guitar
American Classical Guitar Miniatures project aims to enrich the contemporary repertoire by women composers from the North, Central and South Americas. The compositions can be written for either classical guitar solo, guitar with fixed media or fixed medium solo (must involve a guitar sample by Jorge Gomez Abrante).
American Classical Guitar Miniatures is a part of the 2016 Foundation for Emerging Technologies and Arts’ initiative to celebrate female artists, composers, technologists and performers, expanding awareness about music and digital arts from diverse cultural backgrounds in the Americas. The women composers from all American countries are invited to submit a proposal for up to 2 works. The maximum duration of each proposed work will be 1 minute. Out of the selected submissions, a concert-length program will be constructed and premiered in June 2016 in Miami, FL. Future performances around the US and abroad will also be organized.
1. Classical guitar.
2. Fixed Electronics in raw audio format.
3. Visuals in a form of a digital projection are also welcome.
4. Theatrical gestures, acting, speaking, singing and objects/sound implementation are possible.
5. Graphic notations, video scores, text scores as well as traditional score formats are acceptable.
1. Up to 2 proposals in a form of a text (150 to 200 words), each proposal detailing the conceptual and technical aspects of the possible composition.
Proposals can be submitted in English and/or Spanish.
2. Short bio (150 words maximum) in English. Please include the nationality statement and country of current residence.
3. A link to 1 sample work.
Send all the application materials in a single email to Jorge Gomez Abrante.
There is no application fee.
September 30, 2015: deadline for proposals.
October 10, 2015: selected composers are announced.
January 1, 2016: completed pieces are submitted.
June, 15, 2016: premiere of the program in Miami, FL.
With the support of the FETA Foundation, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, Harold Golen Gallery and Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs and the Cultural Affairs Council, the Miami-Dade County Mayor and Board of County Commissioners.